Welcome to the Light Library, featuring books that invite you into the light of your soul. We're all travelers through this earth experience we call life. As we journey through our experiences, it's important to remember who we truly are: Powerful, spiritual beings of light. I'm glad your journey has brought you here. This library vibrates to a higher frequency, a dimension of spirit. I hope my books will be helpful to you as you travel on your spiritual journey through life.

Reality is an Illusion

 Working on the third book in the Echoes of Mind series.

You create your reality from the inside out through your thoughts, feelings, and actions. What you experience in your life is a reflection of what you see and feel in your mind, and in your imagination, before it becomes what you experience. That’s the reality of illusion.

Reality is a canvas. Your mind is the palette. Your thoughts are the paint. Your imagination is the brush. You have the power to create whatever you want.

Invites you to explore the magic of your mind and create a masterpiece of happiness, light, and joy. Everything you need is already within you—waiting to make your reality everything you’ve always wanted it to be and more. Read more...

Pub Date: June 29, 2025. Preorder at Amazon... $4.99.

Finding Forever

Sometimes, finding the other half of your soul is a delicate dance of destiny. Timing is everything. In FINDING FOREVER, two soulmates—Paige and Tom—keep missing each other by minutes. They're aware of each other, through dreams, but can't quite seem to connect on a physical level.

And then there's Riley—a dog who has reincarnated to be with the two souls she dearly loves. She finds Paige, but has a bit of a problem getting Tom to pay attention. He keeps hearing a dog barking in his dreams, and in his waking life, but wonders who the dog is. Riley's mission, this time around, is to bring these two soulmates together.

There's also Allie, a guardian angel, who is in cahoots with Riley to bring these two souls together. Even though she's not in physical form, she has a habit of appearing when Paige and Tom need help.

This reincarnation romance offers a magical look at how our souls transcend time to be with the ones we love in every lifetime.

Perfect for fans of heartfelt love stories with a touch of magic, Finding Forever is a tale of soulmates, second chances, and a little dog whose devotion transcends lifetimes. Read more...

Available at Amazon... $4.99.

A Trilogy of Time

 Just republished three of my books on reincarnation...

Available on Amazon...

Grow Your Magical Mind

Since MAGICAL MIND GARDENS offers 365 ways to grow your mind into a beautiful garden of harmony and joy, I thought it would be a good idea to start off the new year with an excerpt for the first day of January.

Imagine a beautiful mind garden...

Imagine your subconscious mind is a beautiful, fertile garden that will grow whatever thoughts and feelings you plant. 

What you plant and cultivate in your mind's garden grows into what you experience. What you hold in your thoughts and feelings becomes a reality in your life.

Plant positive thoughts and watch them grow. As you plant positive seeds in your mind, be sure to lavish them with an abundance of positive attention and shower them with light. Nurture your thoughts and feelings with care as you nourish the growing magic inside your mind. Tend your garden every day with loving care and attention.

Grow some beautiful thoughts. Grow your mind into a magical gardena place of harmony, joy, and lightfilled with positive thoughts and happy feelings, and watch them grow.

Available at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords for $3.99.

Echoes of Mind

 Just published a new box set... ECHOES OF MIND


Magical Mind, Magical Life shows you how to live a magical life, filled with happiness and light.

Magical Mind Gardens invites you to grow your mind into a beautiful garden of harmony and joy.

The ebook is available at Amazon. The print book was just published and is available on Amazon.


 YAY!! It's Pub Day!!! I'm so excited. It's here!!! Doing the happy dance.


Filled with 365 magical thoughts, and a healing garden of harmony meditation, Magical Mind Gardens encourages you to look within your mind to see the magical power you have to create everything you experience.

Plant a magical mind garden, filled with positive thoughts and happy feelings. Lavish your thoughts and feelings with an abundance of positive attention and shower them with light. Nurture them with care and nourish the growing magic inside your mind.

Invites you to grow your mind into a beautiful garden—a place of harmony, joy, happiness, and light—filled with positive thoughts and feelings, and watch them grow in your life.
Available at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords for $3.99.

Magical Mind, Magical Life

To celebrate the publication of MAGICAL MIND GARDENS, Magical Mind, Magical Life: How to Live a Magical Life, Filled With Happiness and Light is on sale for $0.99 for the month of November.

The ebook is normally $3.99. Get your ebook for $0.99 at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords.

Morpheus Books

Just wanted to mention that I'm hanging out with my pseudonyms at Morpheus Books... come on over and browse our books to see what we have to offer.


 Book Two in the Echoes of Mind series...

Forthcoming...  November 17, 2022. Preorder at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo for $3.99.

Read more about it...

Echoes of Spirit

A story of reincarnation and reawakening...


Somewhere Inside the Rainbow invites you on the beginning of a soul's journey through the multidimensional vibrations of time and space.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow is a visionary novelpart fact, part fictionabout the reality of reincarnation that offers a lighthearted look at the ups and downs of being spiritual in a physical world.


Love is in the Air

Love is everywhere, all around you. All you have to do is breathe it in and breathe it out...

Today, right now, is a day of love. It is a day for enhancing relationships, rekindling feelings, letting love into your heart, and opening your soul to expand the love. It’s a day for bringing love into your life and for strengthening the love you have. It’s a day for forgiving past hurts and freeing yourself to move forward. It’s a day for healing your heart. It’s a day of loving yourself.

Love begins within, then expands outward to encircle everyone in your life with love. As you send the love out that is within you—the love that is within your heart and soul—it resonates and radiates energy and returns to you many times over. Today is the day to love others, to love their souls. Today is the day to love yourself, to feel the love within you.

Feel totally, completely, unconditionally loved. Let this feeling fill you until you are overflowing with it, until your heart is completely filled with the joy and happiness and feeling of it. Love surrounds you so completely, and totally immerses you within its vibration, that you and love are one and the same.

Love is in the air. Breathe it in. Breathe it out. Breathe it inside you; feel it circulating within and through you, opening up your heart, freeing you from any and all past hurts, letting them go in an easy, carefree, loving manner. You feel so filled with the blessings and bliss of love that there is room for nothing else. Pure, powerful, joyful love courses through your entire being.

Feel this love permeating every part of your life—past, present, and future. Feel it radiating out from you to everyone in your life. Feel it surrounding you in every situation, in every relationship, and in every experience. The more love you give, the more love there is to give. The more love you give, the more love there is to receive.

You feel love growing and expanding inside you, flowing in and through every part of you, radiating out from you in a joyful sharing of the beautiful vibrations and energy of love. See everything totally filled with love and surrounded by love. See and feel every part of your physical body completely encircled and embraced with love, inside and out. See and feel your mind growing and expanding into love, letting the light of love shine in all your thoughts.

See and feel your heart totally filled with pure abundant love—a special, soulful love that radiates and emanates through every part of you, flowing within and from you, like a rhythmic, pulsating heartbeat, like the breath of life in a dance of harmony with all that is around you and within you. Breathe it in, breathe it out in a joyful sharing. See and feel every part of your entire existence filled with this beautiful, wonderful, magical, powerful energy vibration of love.

Feel your heart and soul completely immersed in love. Share this love with yourself, with every thought in your mind, with every emotion in your heart, and with every experience your soul has ever had. Share this love with everyone you know. Surround them all in this vibration of love that courses through your entire being and radiates from your heart, mind, and soul.

Excerpted from Discovering Your Past Lives.

Something Special...

 Something special is happening.

Something very special and magical is going to happen for you today.

Expect it. Know that it's going to happen. Eagerly anticipate it with happiness, joy, and excitement.

Really feel it in your heart, mind, and soul. Be open to receiving it, accepting it, and enjoying it.

Living every day of your life in hopeful anticipation of wonderful things happening is a joyful, happy way to live. 

By actually expecting wonderful things or absolutely knowing that whatever is happening in your life is truly wonderful will cause and create your life to be filled with wonderful things.

Excerpted from Magical Mind Gardens. Forthcoming... November 17, 2022. Available for pre-order at Amazon... $3.99