Somewhere Over the Rainbow… A Soul’s Journey Home
Rainbow is based on my past life in Egypt and the parallels to my present life. But this book goes way beyond reincarnation; it explores the concept that we're living all our lives at the same time in different dimensions of energy. It also covers the concept of parallel selves—the unity of our physical self with our spiritual self.
It's a visionary novel—part fact, part fiction—about the reality of reincarnation and spiritual awakening. The story takes you on a universal quest for knowledge and presents an entertaining adventure through this earth experience we call life as it offers a lighthearted look into the ups and downs of being spiritual in a physical world.
Amanda is a free spirit who somehow manages to get herself stuck in the energy vibration of a physical body. Of course she did it on purpose; nothing happens by accident. She just doesn’t feel like herself and is more than a little embarrassed to find herself on earth again. She wonders how she ended up here when she vowed she’d never reincarnate again.
Violet thinks she’s Amanda’s parallel self and is trying to remember something she’s forgotten about her true spiritual nature so she registers for school in the universe and begins classes in Time and Space, Energy and Matter, and Reality Awareness. She’s a bit concerned about the whole idea of synchronicity and the simultaneous time/space concept; she’s not sure if she can handle everything at once.
Rainbow is Amanda’s higher self and Violet’s teacher who tries to help them see the light within themselves. Being true to her universal nature, she tends to appear when the sun sparkles through misty images. But Rainbow is really more than she appears to be at first, or even second, glance.
The book engages you in the magical world of your imagination as it presents you with an opportunity and an avenue to rediscover your true spiritual nature. It offers you a look into higher realms and realities of awareness and shows you the spiritual side of everyday experiences. The story encourages you to wonder about, and to recognize, the meaning of Amanda’s and Violet’s experiences; it lets you understand the meaning in your own way.
If you look somewhere over the rainbow, you’ll probably see a lot of things about yourself that you knew all the time, but temporarily forgot somewhere in your earth experiences. And if you look for the light within yourself, you might remember who you really are, and you might see a universal path of knowledge that all souls must travel to find the way home.
ISBN: 978-1-883717-11-7; 6 x 9; 338 pages
Print book is available on Amazon... $15.95
An ebook is available on Kindle... $5.99