Magical Mind, Magical Life: How to Live a
Magical Life, Filled With Happiness and Light
Your mind is magical... You are magical.
It offers you a journey of self-discovery that invites you to look into the experiences in your life to really see how they are affecting you, and to make conscious choices and changes.
It shows you how you can create miracles in every moment by using the magical power of your mind to enjoy a happier, more fulfilled life.
You can make your life everything you want it to be and more. You have this power within you now; it's not something new or something you have to learn.
All you have to do is look within yourself—look within the power of your own mind and put that magic to work for you.
Included are the keys to:
- Creating your reality through your thoughts;
- Minimizing stress and maximizing happiness;
- Using your imagination to make real changes;
- Tuning into your inner self and listening to your inner voice;
- Experiencing perfect health and harmony in body, mind, and spirit;
- Having a truly positive attitude by understanding and using the power of your own words, thoughts, and feelings;
- Turning problems into positive experiences;
- Weaving your dreams into the fabric of your life;
- Opening up your intuition and looking into your insights; and
- Putting the magical power of your mind into motion.
This life-changing book invites you to look within and offers you many ways to open, explore, experience, and understand the natural power of your mind. It's a guide that shows you the way to living a magical life, filled with happiness and light.
ISBN: 978-1-883717-39-1; 6 x 9; 172 pages
Print book is available on Amazon... $13.95
An ebook is available on Kindle... $3.99