Welcome to the Light Library, featuring books that invite you into the light of your soul. We're all travelers through this earth experience we call life. As we journey through our experiences, it's important to remember who we truly are: Powerful, spiritual beings of light. I'm glad your journey has brought you here. This library vibrates to a higher frequency, a dimension of spirit. I hope my books will be helpful to you as you travel on your spiritual journey through life.

Whispers Beyond the Rainbow

Whispers Beyond the Rainbow: A Soul's Journey Into Awakening

Once upon a dream, a rainbow whispered to me,
inviting me on a magical journey inside my soul...

Your soul is a divine spark of light, waiting until you are ready to awaken and become fully aware of your true spiritual nature. You're invited on a quest to listen to the whispers beyond the rainbow and reawaken your spiritual self.

Listen to the whispers from your soul reminding you of the true nature of your spirit—of the love, light, joy, and harmony that is your spiritual birthright.

You hear a whisper from your spirit inviting you to travel a magical journey to open the true reality of your physical world and explore the multidimensionality of your soul as you remember and rediscover all the knowledge you have within you. 

Follow a rainbow path inside a dream as you explore a light library to read a book that's all about your soul, attend classes at the school of spirituality in the universe to see how you create your reality on earth, travel a majestic mountain to find gifts from your spirit, discover a music box that plays the symphony of the stars, dance with the spirits of dawn as you journey into the center of a sunrise to see the light within yourself, travel a rainbow bridge into seven soul gardens, and experience a healing waterfall of light as you journey to awakening your spiritual self.

As you continue on your rainbow path within, you'll watch the birth of a butterfly as it begins to emerge from its golden chrysalis as you see through physical boundaries into the knowledge of your soul as you open your wings to fly and expand your awareness into your spiritual essence.

The light of your soul shimmers like iridescent butterfly wings. Whispers is a visionary novella, written in the form of a meditation, that invites you to travel on the wings of your spirit to explore the multidimensional realms within you and the worlds of the universe around you to remember who you truly are... a powerful, spiritual being of light.

ISBN: 978-1-883717-47-6; 5.5 x 8.5; 154 pages

Print book is available on Amazon... $12.95
An ebook is available on Kindle... $3.99