Welcome to the Light Library, featuring books that invite you into the light of your soul. We're all travelers through this earth experience we call life. As we journey through our experiences, it's important to remember who we truly are: Powerful, spiritual beings of light. I'm glad your journey has brought you here. This library vibrates to a higher frequency, a dimension of spirit. I hope my books will be helpful to you as you travel on your spiritual journey through life.

Echoes of Light

 Echoes of Light is a box set offering two books ~ Inner Journeys: Meditations and Guided Visualizations and Whispers Beyond the Rainbow: Awakening Your Spiritual Self.

Inner Journeys offers you a quiet, peaceful, tranquil time to tune into your inner self and your soul. The meditations invite you to travel into the many wonderful worlds within your heart, mind, and soul. Inside this book you'll find metaphysical, magical, mystical meditations that will inspire and empower you on your path of self-discovery and spiritual awareness. 

Whispers Beyond the Rainbow inspires you on a magical quest to reawaken your spiritual self. It invites you to travel on the wings of your spirit to explore the multidimensional realms within you and the worlds of the universe around you to remember who you truly are... a powerful, spiritual being of light.

Echoes of Light is available on Amazon.