Welcome to the Light Library, featuring books that invite you into the light of your soul. We're all travelers through this earth experience we call life. As we journey through our experiences, it's important to remember who we truly are: Powerful, spiritual beings of light. I'm glad your journey has brought you here. This library vibrates to a higher frequency, a dimension of spirit. I hope my books will be helpful to you as you travel on your spiritual journey through life.

Light Library

Journey Through Light-Filled Books

That Invite You Into the Light of Your Soul


Offers guided meditations that invite 

you to look for the light within yourself.

Library of Light
invites you to read a very special book that's all about your soul's many adventures—a book that reveals the true multidimensionality of your soul.

Echoes of Mind offers you a healing waterfall of light, refreshing and rejuvenating you in body, mind, and spirit. It invites you on a journey to look for the magic inside your mind.

Echoes of Light offers you a journey through the center of a sunrise into the dawning of a new awareness and reminds you that you are the essence of light.

Echoes of Time invites you on a time tripping adventure to explore the multidimensional realms of past and future lives as you travel through the energy vibrations of all your soul's experiences.

Echoes of Spirit invites you to explore the many multidimensional realms within you and the worlds of the universe around you. It offers you a story of reincarnation and spiritual awakening.

Light Library offers a look inside my books. The journeys are excerpted from my full-length books. Includes a preview of each book and a look into my forthcoming books.

Print book is available on Amazon... $12.95

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