Welcome to the Light Library, featuring books that invite you into the light of your soul. We're all travelers through this earth experience we call life. As we journey through our experiences, it's important to remember who we truly are: Powerful, spiritual beings of light. I'm glad your journey has brought you here. This library vibrates to a higher frequency, a dimension of spirit. I hope my books will be helpful to you as you travel on your spiritual journey through life.

A Double Rainbow

Sometimes the best way to explore spirituality is through story...

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
is a visionary novel—part fact, part fiction—about the reality of reincarnation and spiritual awakening.

What if you woke up and found yourself reincarnated into a new lifetime on earth?

The last thing Amanda ever wanted to do was to experience another lifetime on earth. She can't remember who she is—or even who she was before—and a shadowy image of an old bearded man keeps wavering through her thoughts.

Maybe it isn't real. Maybe it's just a dream. Maybe she doesn't have to reincarnate this time. Then she hears a whisper—a voice that is strangely familiar, echoing through the winds of time—inviting her inside a shimmering rainbow.

The story takes you on a universal quest for knowledge and presents an entertaining adventure through this earth experience we call life as it offers a lighthearted look into the ups and downs of being spiritual in a physical world.

Based on a past life, the book invites you to remember who you really are as you look for the light within yourself and journey the path that all souls must travel to find the way home. Read more...